Meet the Meatballs


We’re Sara (the blonde) and Jenny (the brunette)…Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!  Thanks for stopping by our blah blah blog.  We have literally had the living funnest time getting super unhealthy together!  We spent most of our days lumping around…eating copious amounts of Thai, sushi and pizza or binge drinking at our favorite bar ALL WEEKEND. We didn’t limit getting fat toRaleigh. Many of our calorie laden meals happened in our home away from home, NYC. (I mean is there any better place to eat everything in site…I think not!)

BUT…that’s all over now!  We’ve turned a new leaf andwe’re getting fucking fit!  We’ve made many half hearted attempts in the past but this time is for real.  We love ourselves and each other so much but we had a realization that we may not be so good for each other…talk about a gruesome twosome.  We fed into each others laziness and awful food habits…joyfully!  So now we are going to be the best influences on one another and who knows, maybe on you too!


We also want to say that we are not fat shamers.  We have very happily lived our lives and enjoyed every cookie, cupcake and ice cream cone. We love life to the fullest and the decision to get healthy is because we want to live forever, not because we felt unattractive, unloved, unnoticed or undervalued.  Happiness is a choice and no matter what size you are you should feel proud, confident and sexy.


  1. Ah I love y’all both so much! I can’t wait to follow your journey 🙂 you are both so gorgeous inside and out, and ridiculously hilarious. I would wish you the best but you got this 😉 love you ladies.

  2. You ladies rock! I know you can do it! Love and Miss you guys! Can not WAIT to see yals abs! Bow chica wow wow:)

  3. Sara & Jenny!!!!!! I am so excited!!! I can hear your voices when I’m reading this (Jenny’s yelling!)!!! I am so excited to be able to go on this journey with you through your BLOG!!!!! I am so proud of you & I love you both! You inspire & help me so much! I know you will inspire & help anyone who reads your hilarious and amazing posts!!!!

  4. I’m really excited to keep up with this, y’all!! Aside from being freaking hilarious, you’re both absolutely gorgeous and I’m thrilled you’ve decided to live forever and bless with world with even more of your beauty.

  5. Oh.em.gee. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…..Effing hysterical! And so excited for you two natural beauties!! Can’t wait to hear all about it!

  6. You know I love me some Jenny! There are lots of runs at Disney! Check out run! Can’t wait to follow your journeys. ♡ tnewton

  7. I have been having the absolute BEST time reading through your blog the past few days! You girls are aaaaaaamazing, so-so-so funny, and I can’t get over how honest and in-your-face you are. I am super excited to follow along with the rest of your journey!

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