Two Meatballs:A Love Story

Two Meatballs: Transformations and Tank Topsssssss!!!!

First of all….thank you guyyyyyys so much for all the support and love with the weigh in yesterday!!!!!  This is really happening and we couldn’t appreciate y’all more!  So here is a quick run down of before and afters!!!  Also….as you are reading this I am getting my 4ttttttthhhhhh laser treatment on my little lady so please send all your pain free vibes to my crotch! Bahahahahahahah #yourwelcomeforthevisualthatkeepsongiving


I’m not going to lie…the first one is my fucking favorite!!!  Every time I see that special little picture of us at Christmas I just think…. we look so tragic ( I also think for everyone who doesn’t reaaaaalllly know us we must look like sad little crazy cat lady dorks!!!)  but were soooo happy…but we are soooo much happier now! Now onto the workout before and after…



Sooooooo… a couple of months ago I thought wouldn’t it be adorable for us to have meatball tank tops to work out in!?!  The first person who popped into my mind to make this wish come true was my fabulous client Kristen Crumbley!!!


She is the proud owner of KC Batik!


She made a shirt for my nephew Chase for his 3rd birthday and he was over the moon!!! He literally liiiiiived in this shirt.  This woman has soooo much talent!!!


So I proposed the idea and sent the saddest…crudest sketch of life!!!


Bahahahahahahahahahaha! #I’mafiveyearold But she totally killed it…I mean look at this!


There is a bow for me and a lip for Jenny and a hashtag and I just feel like it couldn’t represent us any better…Kristen you are an artist!!!

Batik technique is something that I didn’t really grasp so I’m going to let Kristen explain this awesome process…


These are a total labor of love and art!!!   Annnnnnd here is what she can do for you…


And here are some examples of her other work…


Obvi she is the living best so contact her and get your own adorable custom made KC Batik creation.  You can also order a #MeatballNation tank if you so choose….which you totally should!!!  WE could all wear them to a 5k or something!!!!

You can shop her one of a kind designs through and and follow her on instagram @kris10apr_kcbatik

Thanks soooo much Kristen…we love them!!!!  And you!!!!  look how adorable!?!?!


Now….lets see those tank tops in action…it’s Sandra time at Innovative Fitness Training!!!!!

First let me say that I love nothing more than dressing alike…#twinning #gymselfies #iliveformatchymatching #bedhead #jennyyouralwayslooksgooddammit


Today was a strugggggggglllllleeeee!  I don’t think either one of us sleep that well on a weigh in post night which equates to crabbiness #bigtime but we showed up and sometimes that is all you can ask of yourself!  Sandra had us start by jogging this morning…we both love this!!!  So it was a great way to start! #whoarewe

Then we did the worssssssst thing!!!  OT’s this thing where you do like a plus one.  So they were TRX squats and you could wither come out of the suat into a small jump (Jenny) or stay low and pulse into the next squat (Sara).  So the first time you do 1, then 2 on up until you hit 20….ouch!!!


Resulting in 210 squats…TWO HUNDRED AND TEN SQUATS!!!! Then we did 3 rounds of push ups starting with 30 seconds for round 1 45 seconds for round 2 and 1 minute for round 3.


Then we did the same time sequence for 3 rounds of wall balls!!!


Then we did three rounds of alternating between two exercises.  The first exercise was to lay flat on a yoga mat and pass a yoga block from your extended arms to your extended legs. touch legs to mat then lift back and pass to arms!!!


The next exercise was to put the yoga block in between your knees and then do leg up crunches with heel taps!!!


We did these for three rounds of 30, 45 and 1 minute increments!  I can already feel these big time!

Then we did 3 rounds of back rows in the same increments!


Then we did slam balls…I love these!  Same 3 rounds!


Then we did shoulder presses, round 1 2 20 lb weights, round 2-2 15 lb weights, wound 3-210 lb weights…this was murder…


Then we did the plus one with 3 lb weights!  This went on for 12 rounds!


Then we died…but it was amazing and over!


We love you Sandra!!!







Two Meatballs: I Don’t Think You’re Readayyy for This Jelllllay!?! (aka the 5th Weigh In)

Heyyyyyyyyyy Youuuuuuu Guyyyyyyyyyssss…..Babbbbbby Ruth!?  No Silly, because we are Paleo!  Annnnnnnnd because it’s….  WEIGH IN TIME!!!!!


Some of us feel the same…some of us feel skinnier…did we gain muscle…did we lose fat!?!  Are we just getting cuter by the minute!?!  Did we accidentally eat each other!?


Noooooooo but the pants are off and the boards are up! #meatballs #urbancricket


We put it all out there…#ilikebigbuttsandicannotlie


No more hiding…tank tops have been swapped! #twotanktopstwoverydifferentbodies


The guns are out…


Sooooo…here we go!


The clothes are off…

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Whose up first…It’s me!!!!


I didn’t know that I could be this happy!  Is there like a cloud 75 because I ‘m on it!!!  I have such a long way to go but this is a great start!!!  I can’t believe I’ve lost 62 pounds….that’s like a healthy 3rd grader!  Bye Bobby!  See ya never.  I feel soooooo powerful at the gym and everything feels easier.  Being happy is a choice and so is being healthy.  It feels nice to be making the right decisions you guys!!!  Thanks for all the support and encouragement!  I love you guys so much. And Jenny….you look amazing.  I can see such a difference in you!!! Love you so much!


Noooooooooow…It’s Jenny!!!!

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Ok so here it is…….. I lost 3lbs.  My smallest weight lost to date.  I’m feeling a little bitter over it.  I know I worked hard. I’ve been eating all the right things.  What happened?!?!?!?!  It must be that tight ass I have developed, Nothing but  pure muscle……am I right ladies?!?!   Physically I feel great.  I have to keep on chugging along. My vision is still strong, and I know I must keep on.  So here I go, ready to start this next month, Happy August you guys!  As always thank you for all the support!!!!


But wait…there’s more!!!  Jenny’s husband Brandon is playing our Meatball game…let’s see his progress!?


Congrats Brandon!!!!!!  You are doing amazing!!!!  And as always thank you soooo much for taking these pictures! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ok so its on to another month and the countdown to the next weigh in begins!  You guys are so amazing…thank you for everything.  And as always our gift to you #outtakes #behindthescenes #ooooph


This last picture is an attempt of us making a 10 for my weight loss…we cant even show you the 3!  It’s too traumatizing!!! hahahahahahhahaha

But this one more than anything I think really embodies who we are!!!


LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!